Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds’ Skeleton Tree

I don’t really do album reviews anymore, but I feel like saying something about this one. To me it’s whole unto itself and I’m not even sure I should be able to hear it. I waited til today to listen to it cause I knew what I was in for. Music gets pretty abused in the… Continue Reading

mrmoth | White Fragility

This was the last song that I demoed for the PPB. It was around the time that Ferguson and Baltimore were exploding. We were looking for a tune that we could pour into everything that we were feeling about the situation. That said, it wasn’t a good fit for the band. In the end, Tim… Continue Reading

Bird’s 80s Dance Party

A friend asked me to do one of those Facebook posting challenges. This one was an-80s-song-a-day. But I don’t post anything on Facebook anymore, so I made a mix instead. This would be more than a couple weeks worth of songs, I suppose. And you get to listen to it in one sitting. Lucky you.… Continue Reading

David Bowie

I’ve mentioned to friends many times that growing up without a father, I was afforded a latitude of sorts to model myself after whomever I chose as surrogate. Certainly, there have been many, but David Bowie was the father of fathers in that regard. Lest anyone be confused, no, I never met him. I was only a fan, and… Continue Reading

My Dismissal from the People’s Punk Band

I have been dismissed from the People’s Punk Band. What follows is a very long explanation of what happened. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and my position is that it would be best that, rather than let gossip and speculation run amok, I instead speak to what happened with as much honesty as I can… Continue Reading