
Ages ago, when I was in high school, instead of collecting signatures in my yearbooks, I would write song lyrics from songs significant to me from that year. As a way of marking the moment and to remember where and who I was just then. Several years ago, I started making mixes to mark my… Continue Reading

mrmoth: under the god

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.” -Aldous Huxley Though it is hardly a unique sentiment, those who know me personally, know what a profound influence David Bowie was on me. I have spent the last year trying to determine… Continue Reading

Bidding goodbye to George Michael and 2016

George Michael was a man gifted with multiple blessings: Most notably, he possessed a beautiful, vulnerable voice that could go low and lusty, fierce and funky and then on a moment, soar into the elegant and emotional before settling into the elegiac. His voice was just as versatile authorially as his songwriting craft was refined… Continue Reading


Ages ago, when I was in high school, instead of collecting signatures in my yearbooks, I would write song lyrics from songs significant to me from that year. As a way of marking the moment. To remember where and who I was just then. Several years ago, I started making mixes to mark my birthdays… Continue Reading