mrmoth: under the god

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.” -Aldous Huxley Though it is hardly a unique sentiment, those who know me personally, know what a profound influence David Bowie was on me. I have spent the last year trying to determine… Continue Reading

Bidding goodbye to George Michael and 2016

George Michael was a man gifted with multiple blessings: Most notably, he possessed a beautiful, vulnerable voice that could go low and lusty, fierce and funky and then on a moment, soar into the elegant and emotional before settling into the elegiac. His voice was just as versatile authorially as his songwriting craft was refined… Continue Reading

Get up and get to work.

Hey, everyone. Get up and get to work. We have the means to make a more meaningful difference in our immediate communities than any President could. This peaceful exchange of power shifts the responsibility back to us as individuals to make things better. In a way, it was always on us. There’s a real message… Continue Reading


Ages ago, when I was in high school, instead of collecting signatures in my yearbooks, I would write song lyrics from songs significant to me from that year. As a way of marking the moment. To remember where and who I was just then. Several years ago, I started making mixes to mark my birthdays… Continue Reading